Wifi Manager Plugin

This plugin allows you to connect to wifi manually on android


Only works on iOS (these function only work on iOS connectNetwork,addNetwork, disconnect, isEnabled, enableLocation, isLocationEnabled, isLocationEnabled) and Android


wifiManager.isEnabled()-- returns boolean true if wifi enabled, false if not


enable(boolean) true to turn wifi on, false to turn off wifi

wifiManager.addNetwork(networkType, ssid, password)

networkType(string) the type of wifi (types are: "WPA2", "WPA", "WEP", or "NONE")

ssid(string) the name of the wifi network

password(string)(optional) password for wifi network

wifiManager.disableNetwork(ssid) -- returns boolean (true for error), string ("network disabled" or "network not found")

ssid(string) the name of the wifi network

wifiManager.connectNetwork(ssid, networkLis)

ssid(string) the name of the wifi network

networkLis(function) will return event on network connection on event.type == "disconnecting", "suspended", "disconnected", "connecting", "unknown" or "connected" and event.didFail(boolean)

wifiManager.removeNetwork(ssid) -- returns boolean (true for error), string ("cannot connect to network" or "connected")

ssid(string) the name of the wifi network


wifiManager.listNetworks() (list of preconnected networks) -- returns array of tables which contain ssid(string) and bssid(string)

wifiManager.startScan() -- required before getting getScanResults

wifiManager.getScanResults() (list of networks) -- returns array of tables which contain ssid(string), capabilities(string), frequency(number), level(number),and bssid(string)

wifiManager.getCurrentNetwork() --returns strings ssid(string), bssid(string) for current network

wifiManager.getMacAddress() -- returns string

wifiManager.ping() -- returns boolean(true if connected)


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