Voice to text plugin
This plugins uses this allows you to get voice input from microphone and covert it to text
only works with iOS 10.0+ and android requires 2.2+Limitations:
requires internet access to convert voice to text. Also andorid is "stopped" when a user stops speaking vs iOS contines to play until .stopRecording is called.Functions:
listener (required)
- event.speech -- the coverted text
- event.response
- "started"
- "error"
- "stopped"
voiceToText.startRecording(language, muteAllAudio, inputSilenceLength, inputMinimumLength, inputPossibleSilenceLength)
language(string)(optional) language you like to recognizer to use note not setting this will use default settings of device. On apple it based on this and android this. Those are what each plaforms docs recommend for setting language. I recommend this. example "en-US"
muteAllAudio(boolean)(optional) note this only works android, is used to mute audio while recording, note this will also mute google now voice alerts
inputSilenceLength(number, in millseconds)(optional) note this only works android, the amount of time that it should take after we stop hearing speech to consider the input complete
inputMinimumLength(number, in millseconds)(optional) note this only works android, The minimum length of an utterance. We will not stop recording before this amount of time.
inputPossibleSilenceLength(number, in millseconds)(optional) The amount of time that it should take after we stop hearing speech to consider the input possibly complete.
start recording
stop recording
return boolean, true = recoding, false = not recoding