Safari WebView Plugin

The safari webview plugin allows you to create faster and more feature rich webviews


supports iOS devices running iOS 8 or later.


safariWebview.newView(x, y, width, height, lis, enablePersistentWebViews(optional boolean))

Creates a new webview, please note width and height are not aligned with coronas width and height, please ajust based on your needs


  • event.phase -- string
    • "finished"
    • "terminate"
    • "loading"
    • "began"
  • event.url --string url of request
  • event.title --string page title
  • event.isError -- boolean is there was an error
  • event.error -- string what the error was


--clear all webview storage and caches


  • event.phase -- string
    • "completed"

Webview Properties:

x (number) x position(corona point)

y (number) y position(corona point)

rotation (number) rotation of webview

width (number) width of webview

allowsLinkPreview (boolean) A Boolean value that determines whether pressing on a link displays a preview of the destination for the link

allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures (boolean) A Boolean value indicating whether horizontal swipe gestures will trigger back-forward navigations

Webview method:

myWebView:getEstimatedProgress() returns number, An estimate of what fraction of the current navigation has been loaded value between 0-1

myWebView:destory() remove webview

myWebView:getUrl() returns string, returns current url

myWebView:getTitle() returns string, returns current title

myWebView:hasOnlySecureContent() returns boolean, A Boolean value indicating whether all resources on the page have been loaded through securely encrypted connections

myWebView:isLoading() returns boolean, A Boolean value indicating if loading

myWebView:canGoBack() returns boolean, A Boolean value indicating whether there is a back item in the back-forward list that can be navigated to

myWebView:canGoForward() returns boolean, A Boolean value indicating whether there is a forward item in the back-forward list that can be navigated to

myWebView:request(url) url of page for webview

myWebView:goBack() go back to previous webpage

myWebView:goForward() go forward to next webpage

myWebView:reload() reload webpage

myWebView:requestFromFile(path) path to html file via system.pathToFile()

myWebView:requestFromString(html) html (string) code to render on webview

myWebView:stopLoading() stop loading webview


Build Settings:

Helpful Links:

Get Plugin

