Iron Source Ad Quality
This plugin enables users of Iron Source Ad plugin to use IS Ad Quality SDK
this plugin only works with iOS 10+ and Android 5+. Note this plugin is seprate from the regular IS ad plugin. This plugin does NOT show or control adsFunctions:
isAdQuality.init(listener, params )
listener(function) triggers event.phase("init"), event.error(string) , and event.isError(boolean)
params(table) supported keys {iOSAppKey=(String)(optional but required for iOS)"IS iOS App Key", androidAppKey=(optional but required for Android)(String)"IS Android App Key", logLevel=(optional)(string)"can be "error", "warning", "debug", or "verbose" ", testMode=(optional)(boolean), userId=(optional)(string) }
userId(string) change user IDs
hasUserConsent(boolean) set GDPR consent