Firebase Crashlytics Plugin

This plugin allows you log crash in Firebase Crashlytics (Note that it only it real only optizied for Java(Android) and ObjC/Swift(ios) but some lua code logged)


iOS and Android


firebaseCrashlytics.init(enableDebug, optInReporting)

-- setup Firebase Crashlytics

enableDebug(boolean) -- default is false

optInReporting(boolean)--Enable opt-in reporting


--add log to be sent with crash data

log(string) log data


--Specify a user identifier which will be visible in the Crashlytics UI.

userId(string) id of user


--Specify a user name which will be visible in the Crashlytics UI.

username(string) username to specify in UI


--Specify a user email which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics UI.

email(string) email to specify in UI


--The easiest way to cause a crash

error(string) error description


--Set a string value for a key to be associated with your crash data which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics UI.

key(string) key associated with string

string(string) string to associated with crash


--Set an interger value for a key to be associated with your crash data which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics UI.

key(string) key associated with interger

int(number) interger to associated with crash


--Set a boolean value for a key to be associated with your crash data which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics UI.

key(string) key associated with boolean

boolean(boolean) boolean to associated with crash

firebaseCrashlytics.recordError(error, errorCode, stackTrace)

--log error

error(string) error description

errorCode(number) error code

stackTrace(array, android only required) custom stack trace, include array of tables {methodName = "string", fileName = "fileName", lineNumber = number, declaringClass = "string"}

Crashlytics Setup:

add google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist from firebase console

Add .DSYM generated when build an app iOS build in Corona Simulator to Firebase Crashlytics Console

Build Settings:

Helpful Links:

Get Plugin

