Firebase Crashlytics Plugin
This plugin allows you log crash in Firebase Crashlytics (Note that it only it real only optizied for Java(Android) and ObjC/Swift(ios) but some lua code logged)
iOS and AndroidFunctions:
firebaseCrashlytics.init(enableDebug, optInReporting)
-- setup Firebase CrashlyticsenableDebug(boolean) -- default is false
optInReporting(boolean)--Enable opt-in reporting
--add log to be sent with crash datalog(string) log data
--Specify a user identifier which will be visible in the Crashlytics UI.userId(string) id of user
--Specify a user name which will be visible in the Crashlytics UI.username(string) username to specify in UI
--Specify a user email which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics email to specify in UI
--The easiest way to cause a crasherror(string) error description
--Set a string value for a key to be associated with your crash data which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics UI.key(string) key associated with string
string(string) string to associated with crash
--Set an interger value for a key to be associated with your crash data which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics UI.key(string) key associated with interger
int(number) interger to associated with crash
--Set a boolean value for a key to be associated with your crash data which will be visible in the Firebase Crashlytics UI.key(string) key associated with boolean
boolean(boolean) boolean to associated with crash
firebaseCrashlytics.recordError(error, errorCode, stackTrace)
--log errorerror(string) error description
errorCode(number) error code
stackTrace(array, android only required) custom stack trace, include array of tables {methodName = "string", fileName = "fileName", lineNumber = number, declaringClass = "string"}
Crashlytics Setup:
add google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist from firebase consoleAdd .DSYM generated when build an app iOS build in Corona Simulator to Firebase Crashlytics Console