Dreamlo Plugin

This plugins uses Dreamlo. Which is a free cross platform leaderboard system.


1. go to http://www.dreamlo.com/ and click get your button on leaderboards

2.save your url(notes, evernote, etc)

3. (optional) if you want https(ssl) make sure you donate 5 or more to Carmine T. Guida

4. paste in Public Code , Private Code dreamlo.int


dreamlo.int( publicCode(string), privateCode(string), alerts(boolean) ,https(boolean) )

dreamlo.add( playerName(string), myData(table){ score(number), seconds(number),text(string) } , listener(function returns isError(network error) , isDone(did action happen) ) )

Note: This also updates player. myData example: {1234, 123, "sometext"}

dreamlo.delete( playerName (string), listener(function returns isError(network error) , isDone(did action happen) ) )

Note: This delete players data

dreamlo.deleteAll( listener(function returns isError(network error) , isDone(did action happen)) )

Note: Clears the leaderboards

dreamlo.getScores( myData(sort(string), ascending(true or false), amount(num), ending(num), name) , listener (function returns isError(network error) , isDone(did action happen)) ) , isData( is there any scores ), data (tables contains: seconds, name, date , text, score) )

Note: Gets Score(s). Format of data table:

[1] => table: 0x7fb327684e30 {

[seconds] => "0"

[name] => "playerName"

[date] => "2/10/2016 3:04:38 AM"

[text] => ""

[score] => "1234"


[2] => table: 0x7fb327684e30 {

[seconds] => "5"

[name] => "bob"

[date] => "2/10/2016 3:04:38 AM"

[text] => "hello"

[score] => "1235"


App transport securtiy url(s):


Set NSIncludesSubdomains = true, check out Corona's guide here

You do have to donate to enable https(or ssl)


Helpful Links:


How to add promo code with dreamlo

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